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Ground Investigation Site Visits

Ground Investigation (GI) works are underway at sites along the Phase 2a route, from Fradley to Crewe. GI is an essential part of delivering HS2 because before we can build the railway, we need to understand the ground we’ll build it on. This information will guide design solutions for the structures we want to build, such as bridges and viaducts, along with road and river diversions, tunnels, cuttings and embankments. Data from GI will ensure that the contractors who design and build the main works can do so safely, economically and efficiently.

We recently invited various parish councils along the line of route to visit our GI sites. Representatives of Kings Bromley and Colton Parish Councils were among those who took up the offer, and visited a site in Blithbury. The visit gave them an insight into how and why our GI works are carried out, and enabled them to see the work take place for themselves. They also met the senior foreman and had a chance to ask questions.

The councillors got to witness the cable percussion borehole method to extract samples. This uses a mobile A-Frame rig, about seven metres high, to drill a small borehole into the ground. A variety of tools are then raised and lowered, either by a cable or winch or a series of steel rods, to drill 15 metres down or further to take samples. The samples are then tested in laboratories so we can understand specific features, such as their strength.

Here is some feedback from the parish councils regarding the GI site visits:

Kings Bromley Parish Councillor Charles Cole – “ From my point of view, the visit was most worthwhile. As well as giving us first-hand information about GI investigations, it also helps us answer any questions that may arise from residents about what is happening.

Over and above this, I believe these sort of events are worthwhile for the ongoing relationships between HS2, the contractors and the Parish Council and therefore should be encouraged.”

Colton Parish Councillor Sarah Plater – “ Very impressed with Balfour Beatty staff, and now I know what those rig things are in the fields around here”

Posted on 16th July 2019

by HS2 Staffordshire